Published: 16 Mar 2022, 12:36
The 49.9MW solar farm will support Boston Borough Council’s decarbonisation targets. Image: Andreas Gücklhorn (unsplash).
Planning consultant DWD has secured planning permission for Renewable Connections’ 49.9MW Vicarage Drove Solar Farm, located north-west of Bicker in Lincolnshire.
The site sits on across both Grade 2 and Grade 3a land, in Flood Zones 1-3, and includes land of archaeological interest. As such, DWD worked with archaeological specialists to develop a strategy that includes trial trenching secured post-determination.
Nick Bowen senior associate at DWD said: “We are extremely pleased that this application has been approved. Our experienced team worked hard to put together a well-considered proposal which will provide much needed renewable energy and a biodiversity net gain. It was a pleasure to support Renewable Connections with another solar farm project.”
Boston Borough Council – which granted the planning permission – has declared a climate emergency, with Vicarage Drove Solar Farm expected to help the region reduce its emissions.
Renewable Connections is also developing a 5.5MW floating solar project in London’s Royal Docks, having won £40,000 from the Mayor’s Resilience Fund to support the system. Solar Power Portal caught up with John Leith, development director at Renewable Connections to discuss the project in 2021.